Working Means to Get Liberty & Choosing Your Work Means Choosing Your Life: Reading series, The Conclusion of Life -6

Reading “The Conclusion of Life” (series 6): Working Means to Get Liberty & Choosing Your Work Means Choosing Your Life

Hi everyone! It’s Pentleman (@pentleman_blog) here!


I don’t like my job. I don’t wanna go to my company anymore…
You want to be free from work, right?
Working is one of the ticket of liberty. What type of ticket do you have?


It really depends on person how one presumes work.
One idea here. Working can open the door of freedom.
Beyond the door, we can see starting point of liberty.

This Article is for people who
– don’t want to work anymore, and don’t like to go to their own company.
– want to be free from just earning cost for living.
– want to know what kind of woman can be possibly to get married to rich men.
Key message
Investing the ticket of time into a high dividend stock, yourself, to get continuous investment profits.
No one can make continuous efforts on work which the person dislikes.

Many key words are in this article, such as “dying fishes”, “2:6:2 -worker ants law”, and “someone who doesn’t complain!”
Let’s see the tip of the day!

~Tip#13~ Working Means to Get Liberty

Earning money by working means to be librated in life.

You shouldn’t be bound to work to obtain money, instead work to gain liberty in life. If you think it is, it can reduce stress and difficulties at work.

If you love your work, that’s great.
Even if you don’t like to work, to get earnings means getting choices in your life.

Book Review: The Conclusion of Life, by Kazuo Koike

(人生の結論, 小池一夫 )

The eyes of workers in Japan are like dying fishes

dying fish

“The eyes of business people who work in Tokyo look like dying fishes.”

Corporate workers and employees seems exhausted.
This is one of the famous top 10 gaps between expectation vs reality that foreigners would mention after arriving to Japan.
This is one of the 10 gaps expectation vs reality that foreigners would mention after arriving to Japan.

When I started to work in Tokyo, I noticed workers and employees looked tired.
Sleeping in trains is typical scene, although this situation that people sit next to each other may not be so safe.
This is the real Tokyo. It should be expected.

Working for a company sometimes means selling time.
Going to the company and finishing tasks give exhausted workers salary for the month.
This tends to become a common routine in life.

Here is an Aesop’s fable.

A traveler asks this question to people working on stacking bricks:
“What are you doing here?”

Three guys answered:
A) You know this, huh. Stacking bricks. I have to do it everyday. I’m exhausted.
B) I’m building a big wall. This is my job to provide for my family.
C) We’re building a magnificent shrine going down in history. Many people will be blessed.

We can distinguish from their comments who is happy.
However, when thinking about oneself, one would not know which type he/she belongs to.

The value we can’t see


By the way, have you thought about like this question below?

What is the difference between these play bills and real bills?

Kid Pentleman

No one could clearly answer this question when I casually asked my parents with a kid’s eye. After becoming an adult, I realized the answer.

Everyone believes the value. This common sense is true to everyone.

Got it. The history of creating monetary bills in Japan started in 7th century, and there were coins developed in China, instead of “pepper” or “shells” to barter with other commodities.
Even though shapes of value look odd, as long as everyone believes the principles, people have utilized this system.

Time = Life


If pepper and shells can be used as trading tickets, we can understand the concept of hourly working style.

Time is an indication to produce something. They get money by that credit.
In other words, they are exchanging their “time = life”.

One of the reasons people aim to be specially skilled professionals is because the job can add value on their time.
Japanese mothers know the real situation.

If we don’t have any skills, we have to exchange our time to money in order to run ordinary life cycle.
So that’s why fiercely competitive university entrance examinations are hot especially in urban areas.
Beyond the mother’s eyes, they see good companies.

A high dividend stock, yourself

high devidend

If you sit down in a Japanese drinking restaurant in Tokyo, you may hear this conversation.

This is not my real ability! My boss doesn’t evaluate me appropriately!

a Japanese man

However, I guess the social grade the person got is real. It’s reality.

Not to mention people who haven’t put their resources and efforts on learning.
They can’t compare themselves with people who beat one’s brain out.
The wish that they want to obtain a well paid job mustn’t be a reasonable requirement.

Which is better?

a) Just changing your precious ticket = time, into bills, but only one time
b) Investing the ticket of time into a high dividend stock, yourself, to get continuous investment profits.

As a parent, I choose to tell the fact to my loved ones for when they might need it.

~Tip#14~ Choosing Your Work Means Choosing Your Life

We can say that complaints about work are complaints about life. –

Complaints are something wherein if we close our eyes and not see or avoid them, the thoughts immediately overcome us and increase their negative impact.
Hence, we need to face the complaints and do something to turn them around.

Discontentment with work will always be present and we will encounter the same complaints over and over again.

Book Review: The Conclusion of Life, by Kazuo Koike

(人生の結論, 小池一夫 )

A criteria on how to be a gold digger


What kind of woman can get married to rich men, like you?

a woman

A famous Japanese YouTuber responded to the question in live broadcast.

Man Youtuber

Someone who doesn’t complain!!

His logic was simple.

Some of the ways one could be rich is to be gifted, and to be adamant about going against the norm.
That means having one’s own lifestyle such as following own rules and commitments.

Even if their practices and behavior seem different, these are “correct” for them as long as they can lead them to success.
If their partner demands “usual” things, like “Clean up your room! Tidy up! That’s common sense!”, then the gifted person should revert to the “normal level”.

I see his point. We can’t be successful in society, if we do the same things as most people do.

Since marriage can be a competitive strategy, people from the upper class want to avoid going back to the “average level”, because in doing so, they will lose their previous efforts to become part of the high society.

Analogy: Ants and complaining people


It seems that in any group, there are people who complain.
In my experience of moving to almost all of areas in Japan, I believe that an existing trend is the same.

It similar to “2:6:2 -worker ants law”, which is a subspecies of Pareto law (20-80 law).

If the entire colony of ants is 100,
hardworking ants:   20
-normal ants:          60
-lazy ants:               20

If the hardworking ants were collected and placed into the same area, 20% of the working ants becomes “lazy ants”. That’s interesting.

Grumbling people are existing everywhere with the same trend.

“My boss is useless! He can’t evaluate his subordinates properly!”
“My husband doesn’t earn so much! In addition, he can’t do house chores at all!”
(These are common Japanese complaints in drinking places)

We can’t change people who like to complain.

I concluded that avoiding them is the best thing to do.
And above all, the time you’re with them is a waste = mottainai (in Japanese, もったいない).

Nature from cradle to grave

from cradle

We can’t change people’s nature.This is the conclusion of people who realized what human relationships have.

In the books about Adler’s psychology, people’s thoughts belong to “separation of tasks.”
So we shouldn’t consider other’s decisions and how they evaluate others.

Complaining is a disposition.

What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave. (三つ子の魂百まで, Japanese proverb)

In other words, that means people’s nature never change.
That is the same as “the leopard cannot change his spots.”

It looks smarter to avoid such colleagues and friends, much more a partner in life.
Family communities are bound together by a common destiny.
You must not choose the type of people.

Don’t you think your boyfriend or girlfriend will change after living together?
Don’t you think if you guys have more conversation, his/ her unsatisfaction will vanish completely?

Please be rest assured.
That we can never get rid of complaining personality.
At least, until going to graves from cradles.

No one can make continuous efforts on work which the person dislikes

hermit crab

The conclusion of this tip is here.
Running away from heavy stressers, and aiming to have comfortable relationships.
To do so, we need to be smarter.

During my high school days, I threw away all of the time on TV, comics, games, and mobile phone.
I declined all invitations for hanging out after school.
I was like a hermit.

One of my friends said:


Even after studying so hard, it’s just painful. Why do you study so long? You always look sleepy!

I answered to this friend’s comment.

If you work feeling bored, such life is more painful.
I’ll choose my job, surroundings and future by myself.

Pentleman@high school

No one can make continuous efforts on work which the person dislikes.
At the same time, it’s so hard to get the initiative of choosing.

However, in this liberalizing country, the only thing I can choose to do is to learn continuously.
That’s because I was not born in a millionaire family which can obtain enough dividend to live without anything.
I wasn’t born with a silver spoon.

Topics of the day
~Tip#13~ Working Means to Get Liberty
~Tip#14~ Choosing Your Work Means Choosing Your Life


Thanks for reading Pentleman blog!

Pentleman’s Photo Travel

utility hole

utility hole @Kiyomi, Takayama, Gifu

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